About Us

Welcome to Wide Open Road Wellness! I'm Bec Love and this is my brain child. I wanted to take the opportunity to give you a little background on the company and myself. Firstly the name Wide Open Road came about from the title of a song that I have loved since I was a teenager by an Australian band called “The Triffids”. Check out their music, they are great!
The song title rang true for me when I looked at my own life, as I see my life as a Wide Open Road. I may have had obstacles and accidents on the Road of life, but in the end it is still wide and open and full of possibility even in times where I felt there was none. The key lyric from the song that solidifies this for me is “It’s a Wide Open Road and now you can go any place that you want to go”. Which when you think about it is very true if we remove our mental barriers. Which is why I love coaching.
I worked in corporate IT in Sydney Australia for 11 years and left due to the love of a country and its people. That country being Vietnam. I left my IT career behind and packed my bags bound for Saigon to teach English, which I did for a few years then discovered life coaching. After that I setup my business in Australia and have been helping people for many years change their lives as I have done.
On my Wide Open Road I did hit a few obstacles on the way and had those accidents. Namely I was a smoker, alcoholic and drug dependant. I enjoyed not dealing with my life road on its terms. I soon discovered that all the pot holes in my path were actually due to me not facing life. After giving up my vices I was struck down with Graves Disease aka Hyperthyroidism and had a new set of issues dealing with the new way of life that came part and parcel with that. Now I have been clean and sober for many years now and I am grateful that I made the choice to get out of my car wreck and walk towards the sun on my road towards a much better way of life.
To help me along the way I have used many techniques but by far the most helpful has been mindfulness. It is so true that we are what we think and that our thoughts can shape who we are and what happens in our lives.
That’s me in a nutshell. I hope I have the opportunity to work with you as your life coach one to one or see you at one of the many courses I have on offer; which will move you forward on your Wide Open Road.
The song title rang true for me when I looked at my own life, as I see my life as a Wide Open Road. I may have had obstacles and accidents on the Road of life, but in the end it is still wide and open and full of possibility even in times where I felt there was none. The key lyric from the song that solidifies this for me is “It’s a Wide Open Road and now you can go any place that you want to go”. Which when you think about it is very true if we remove our mental barriers. Which is why I love coaching.
I worked in corporate IT in Sydney Australia for 11 years and left due to the love of a country and its people. That country being Vietnam. I left my IT career behind and packed my bags bound for Saigon to teach English, which I did for a few years then discovered life coaching. After that I setup my business in Australia and have been helping people for many years change their lives as I have done.
On my Wide Open Road I did hit a few obstacles on the way and had those accidents. Namely I was a smoker, alcoholic and drug dependant. I enjoyed not dealing with my life road on its terms. I soon discovered that all the pot holes in my path were actually due to me not facing life. After giving up my vices I was struck down with Graves Disease aka Hyperthyroidism and had a new set of issues dealing with the new way of life that came part and parcel with that. Now I have been clean and sober for many years now and I am grateful that I made the choice to get out of my car wreck and walk towards the sun on my road towards a much better way of life.
To help me along the way I have used many techniques but by far the most helpful has been mindfulness. It is so true that we are what we think and that our thoughts can shape who we are and what happens in our lives.
That’s me in a nutshell. I hope I have the opportunity to work with you as your life coach one to one or see you at one of the many courses I have on offer; which will move you forward on your Wide Open Road.